A different way of knowing

“…the only real proof for God’s existence is injunctive (!). To the question, “Does Spirit exist?” the only accurately acceptable answer is not “Yes”; it is not “No.” It is not, “Spirit is the transcendental Ground of All Being.” It is not, “Spirit is the Fullness and Freedom of all reality.” The only correct answer is, “Sit comfortably in a chair, clear your mind, and gently repeat, with each breath, ‘Consent to the Presence of the Lord.’ Do that for several years and see what happens.” Or, “Sit in a full or half lotus, let go of all thinking, desiring, and clinging, and follow your breath, counting each breath from 1 to 10, and then start over. Do this an hour or so each day for several years, then let’s talk….”

Ken Wilber, Integral Semiotics
