At home in the City

Left the Lucid Art Foundation at midday, Sina led the way in his car to San Rafael where I returned the car to Quality Used Car Rentals , following instructions to“leave the keys under the driver’s mat and make sure the doors are locked” as Art was not in the office after 12.00.

Sina drove me to San Fransisco — over the spectacular Gold gate Bridge - and left me at Hayes Valley Inn, my home for the next week. The digital key download via the OpenKey app business failed to work, but luckily a staff member called Maria was there, hauled my case up three flights of steps and gave me a physical key, then disappeared. A comfy room, but I was a bit daunted at the thought of spending hours in it — envisioning I wouldn’t be out late in the city at night.

I wandered out — a good area, lots of trees, people of all sorts walking about — with dogs, kids with scooters, a few shops and plenty of restaurants. Just 10 minutes away, the San Fransisco Zen Centre where I was shown around by Denise. Daily schedule — Evening zazen from 5.40 to 6.20pm followed by a service. Morning zazen from 5.40am to 6.20am, followed by service, and breakfast. So this will be the backbone of my week in the City. After breakfast at the Centre, I will go about my day and return in the evening.

I slipped in for evening zazen and service — chanting of the Daihi Shu Darani which Richard and I chant every morning. Had half a pizza and a beer on the way back. People are out eating, drinking, walking - benign. If only Sheffield were like this! I will shower in the evenings and slip out early in the mornings. Sitting in bed now, with a cup of tea and a hot water bottle. At home in the City.