Zen and Creativity, Presence and Truth

One way that our spiritual nature begins to manifest is through the emergence of the intuitive aspect of our consciousness.  This is one of the reasons why Zen and creativity are so intimately linked.  ...Getting in touch with our intuition helps us to enter the flow of life, of a universe that is in a constant state of becoming.  When we tap into our intuition, whether in our art or simple in the s=day to day activities of our lives, we feel part of this creative continuum.” “Zen and Creativity”, John Daido Loori, p 57

When the self disappears, the brush paints by itself, the dance dances itself and the poem writes itself.” “Zen and Creativity”, John Daido Loori, p 57

“The essential spirit of Zen in living, dynamic, non-conformist and non-traditionalist. We must experience this is we would really enter this domain. Zen is not “understood”, it is lived.” Living Zen (1958), Robert Linssen, p.22

'“Truth is dynamic. It is constantly being created and renewed. This is the reason for which all the great spiritual teachers have been - and should be - revolutionaries. Living Zen (1958), Robert Linssen, p.23

Whether it be a Buddha, a Socrates, a Plotinus, a Jesus, or today, a Krishnamurti, it is in the presence of powerful individuals that we find ourselves, men profoundly Alice and revolutionary. Their inspiration is a result of a total integration into the process of Life itself. …. If we wish to understand them it is indispensable for us to learn what this reality is.

The men who have realised themselves define it’s an eternal presence which escapes all our concepts of duration, time, and causality. At its approach, this presence reveals itself endowed with an incomparable up-surging and creative intensity. It is truly from instant to instant that the Real reveals itself and is lived in the states of “Satori” or Nirvana”. Living Zen (1958), Robert Linssen, p23

“Reality makes game of our limitations and our attempts at imprisonment. It cannot be codified. No framework can hold it. It is for us to rise to its level.

That is why Zen masters tell us that after having read a text we should, however paradoxical this may seem, free ourselves from the particular conditioning it may have imposed on our minds. If this is not done scrupulously, we cannot directly experience its living unforeseeable reality.”

It is something alive, and that flashes into awareness with both enormous energy and with subtle grace. We are not separate from it. We are not “it”, “it’ is us.