The words in bold were spoken during a dialogue between Hester Reeve, Emma Cocker, Jessica Ball and myself during a Bohm-style dialogue as part of the series Beyond Boh, Science Order and Creativity Part 2: Contemplation and Creativity, : Creativity and the Artist.
Creativity/art as a force: Like
a lightning bolt -- fierce and beautiful
the arising of morning dew -- intimate and soft
an art movement inspired by syntropy* rather than entropy
Focussing not on the unknown, but on what is most alive.....
no more random roaming in the Void!
Sensing messages from the vast, empty, full and alive spaces
Pulling down the future
working in the proximate world spaces
A Sensing instrument amongst other sensing instruments
Artists must do the individual work to awaken as sensing instruments
and come together with others some of whom may be doing the same work -- or not......
no longer individual self expressionsensing what needs to happen.....