Margaret Blackwell on creativity

”Creativity is the expression of that aliveness, responsiveness or engagement with life that is an inherent and unlimited potential in all human beings. This means that genuine creative action is a choice hat can be made by anybody, at any time, in any situation.” The Heartbeat of Creativity (2017), Margaret Blackwell and Andra Kins. p 130

“There are two pre-requisites for creative action: the readiness to not already know and the readiness to persevere despite despair.” p 141

Collective Creativity

“In being with other people, there is something that opens us up, allowing us to let go, so that something deeper can flow through us. What arises in the intersubjective space between us when we are focussed, open and free is a mysterious transmission which takes us somewhere new together. It’s like a new potential for humanity being revealed in the process – a whole other realm of creativity beyond the individual. I now see creativity as this force of the universe which is in all of us. When we open up to it, we can experience it as an individual or a group where something new can emerge. What is most significant is that through this experience we find a deeper part of ourselves that nourishes us and gives us a sense of meaning and purpose in being alive.” “The Heartbeat of Creativity” (2017), Margaret Blackwell and Andra Kins, p195.

From section on Zen Brushwork

Hi bi arata!

Every day is new!

This is the true definition of creativity, where it arises from the source of all things, gathers us up in its arms and reminds us that we are one. This is where spirit and culture meet in the creation of each ever-new moment.” p174