Responses to "The Big One" in London April 21-24 2023

I’m glad to have been there. A march coinciding with Earth Day organised by XR, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and others. Deliberately designed to be non- confrontative and peaceful. Which is why I went. I met friends, learned a lot, heard talks and had interesting conversations. But it seems it had very little impact - hardly covered in the news and no response from Government. I think XR have concluded that disruption garners much more attention.

Marches: I want them to have more gravitas. This last one was described on the news as looking like half way between a May Day parade and a Music Festival. We were recognisable as a group — Planet People. This makes us easier to dismiss. I would like to see more depth and dignity. And more people from the mainstream — which will come in time.

Cultivation of Depth: “A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, one devoid of an authentic political and social consciousness, does little to halt the suicidal juggernaut of history. On the other hand, an activism that is not purified by profound spiritual and psychological self-awareness and rooted in divine truth, wisdom, and compassion will only perpetuate the problem it is trying to solve, however righteous its intentions.

When, however, the deepest and most grounded spiritual vision is married to a practical and pragmatic drive to transform all existing political, economic, and social institutions, a holy force — the power of wisdom and love in action— is born. “

Andrew Harvey

Re Disruption: How can this be directed so that it galvanises the public rather than antagonises them? How can it unleash positive energies? As with transport strikes — in Japan they still continue to run the busses and trains, but just don’t charge passengers. So the public is completely behind them.

Environmental Service: As opposed to Military Service. I think this will come as a matter of course as the situation worsens, but it needs to be sooner rather than later. We came together during the Pandemic in many ways, but were also isolated because of risks of infection. In a war situation we would be required to direct our energies in one direction.

We should all be encouraged/called on to devote X days a week to environmental rejuvenation work. (Of course depending on each person’s capacity). Retired people (those who contributed most to the current situation) could offer to devote significant time and energy to this.

“Let us take a few minutes off our busy lives and imagine a world where conscription is mandatory in all countries but with a slight twist. Instead of a military conscription, what if it is mandated that one serves the state through environmental service. During this mandated period, one is asked to take time off to bond with and serve nature by choosing sustainable practices, living a minimalistic life-style and working on solutions which can be implemented by them as professionals. The idea might sound bizarre but it has its own merits.”

Again, inspiration from Japan…..”Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis”.,over%20the%20age%20of%2060.