The 5th Force

Matter moving…. communicating…. Stone waking up……from a deep, long silence.

Stuart Kaufman, from the Santa Fe Institute, poses a “fifth force in the universe — self organisation. “Matter inherently has in it the ability to self organise and its that self-organising drive that is behind evolution. And that is a drive towards higher states of being, towards more complex categories and modes of being and existence….. only with that kind of drive can you explain the emergence of the successively higher and higher states of complexity and unity….” Philosophers call it Eros, religions call it Spirit…. “It’s that internal driver that pushes people from the state of ignorance and unenlightenment where everything seems to be a separate thing and a separate event to a state where this dismemberment is re-membered and everything is felt as a Unity, One Taste, part of the spiritual texture of the universe. …”. From fragmented, separate, alienated to total, unified, whole….

The movement towards connection, concern, compassion, emergence, super-abundance, love.

Ken Wilber, Love and Evolution — Integral Life.