Unreasonable joy

On the way down to the studio this morning, the trees were on fire with light.

I drew 3 “bu ji jin” — non-doing person — ie non-efforting person. And they came so easily after the bold Hi bi Arata. Easier and more familiar, and more energy in me.

Quite a host!

And knew that I wanted to float the faintest of marks to my long scroll. Water, and hardly any ink. So they don’t interfere with the other marks, they just float either above or below them. Like you’re looking down into water and seeing eddies,,,,

An outpouring, a rush of bubbles, a stream. eddies, unceasing, unleashed, jostling, vibrating, getting temporarily stuck and then being released, buoyancy, joy.

Different levels building up and looking down through the levels.

And the words “unreasonable joy” came into mind. Joy, in the face of all pain - personal, of loved ones, of the fractured societies, of the world. Bubbling up like a spring.

Walked in the afternoon to the fork in the trail which leads up to the ridge and Mount Vision. Too much for today, but a glorious afternoon, clear air and an achingly blue sky…..