Bubbles breaking up

Went early to the studio this morning to make fresh brush marks. Here it is from the other end. Just the very end marks…..Streams of bubbles breaking up, disentangling, letting go. Fragments. Like chains of molecules breaking their bonds. Quick. Enough.

In the afternoon I returned, but my attention was now on brushwork. Space became felt, time slowed down. One more “bu ji jin” and then two more starting with an enso.

And then a walk down the mountain to check the road and to make sure I know how to navigate the 3 or 4 steep (1 in 4?) bends when I drive down. The road was wider than I had remembered and I was reassured. Followed my nose down and down till I came to the sea. The narrow strip of water — Tomales Bay — overlies the San Andreas Fault.

Maybe a relief to see an expanse of water….. but climbing back up the mountain road, very aware of the light in the trees.