The Watercourse Way

Everything coming together now. Energy returning, appetite returning. Sun and clear light and stunning cloud formations this morning — like paintings or drawings. Feathery fans expanding into the deep blue sky.

This morning adding to my “watercourse way” —the title of a book on the Tao by Alan Watts. Starting pouring small pools of water, just tinged with ink, on it from the beginning. Water making its own shape in contrast to my made brush marks. Floating. These shapes being an alternative way of moving through and along the channel. So many different ways — brush marks, pencil marks and now these pools….

I used to find canal journeys fascinating in that they cut an alternative way through the landscape, contrary to the routes of roads and railway lines.

And travel is at a different speed.

Went back to the studio in the afternoon and did brushwork. The space seemed fuller, time slowed. The drawing came easily. Mu ichi ji. Not one thing. Nothing, Empty.