Space is alive and full of power

In “Art and Physics”, Leonard Shlain compares traditional Eastern ideas of space, which are conveyed in landscape paintings…. The empty space is “an invisible, generative living tissue….”, which is “alive and procreative…” As opposed to the classical Western idea that space is an inert nothingness, against which things are arranged and events happen.

GOF in an interview by Fariba Bogzaran said that although he had only just started to know about David Bohm, he had “sympathy with his “implicate order”. “The implicate order, I am sure, has a lot in common with what I call the Inner Worlds — but that is work for someone else…. He mentions, I believe, that space is alive and full of power. I absolutely agree.” “When you pay full attention to what is happening, something surprising turns up, which is a confirmation about the creative power of the mind. There is only one creative force in the universe, and the painter’s mind has to open to it. there is just one force, and that is what makes the Earth turn round. Each person’s contribution is relatively small, but it doesn’t matter the size, because a small contribution has enormous effect and goes everywhere. Painting seen by one person, as in the morphogenic fields of Sheldrake, eventually become available to everyone — their resonance is in the air.” From “The Quest of the Inner-Worlds”.

My watercourse is a small contribution. This place, the studio, the white roll of paper is generative space and the marks emerge. An expression of the life force, creation, giving form to the unborn.